3D Blockout
Projects were created in Unreal Engine using only brushes and static meshes. *
Modular components were designed and used wherever possible.
No kits or marketplace items were used in the creation of the samples.
Spaces are designed to be as architecturally accurate as possible, whilst still allowing ample room for gameplay
* Exception: The cathedral itself was remodeled in Maya to add a little extra detail to the scene.
New for 2023: Mall Playground Space
Space can be used for a variety of activities - campaign story, missions, find key objects with randomized positions, wave defense, boss fight, etc.
Non-linear pathing which can be further explored by opening up the stores (space already reserved for this).
Verticality works well for variety of enemy types - especially arcing projectiles such as grenades, Molovo cocktails, and other such.
Theme’d Christmas area can be expanded to whole level when arted out for environmental storytelling.
New for 2023: Space Themed Casino & Hotel Playground
Space can be used for a variety of activities - campaign story, missions, find key objects with randomized positions, wave defense, boss fight, etc.
Non-linear pathing is further opened up with underground garage under central area (built out, but not shown).
Easy to design evade-the-snipers / counter sniper gameplay using the tiers of balconies.
Space theme can be continued throughout for environmental storytelling opportunities.